Being in debt or living with family is just as bad and it also has it's own list of problems. Now I have to say that my family is amazing, Kevin's family is amazing, and there was a time when I had no choice but to rely on their help. And though I will ALWAYS be forever grateful for their willingness to give us what we needed at the time. In all honesty the cost to us was too high, there is a constant deep down cut like a knife feeling of losing my pride and self esteem. There’s a feeling, no, an obligation, to live as they do and not as you want to, tiptoeing on eggshells, never being able to be who you are, or you appear ungrateful otherwise. There was always feeling of being unworthy of favors, you feel judged, and unworthy of happiness. That is no way to live.
The point is....When you pay your own way you have a sense of accomplishment, pride, and you have dignity. Without that the feeling SHOULD be that you have failed. But people justify anything these days..... they think they DESERVE things just because, I don't know, because they exist?
I refuse to join the new "society of entitlement". I don't care if others are relying on the government more and more to take care of them because they believe they "deserve" it. And if they think that's okay that's to their own personal downfall. I will work for what I have, I will EARN it. Insurance, income, housing, food, all of it. I refuse to rely on the good people of this great nation to help me do something selfish that I want to do just because I don't want to work for it. I believe in the “Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime” thing.
This is a lesson I've learned the hard way, but at least I've learned it. At least I can say I'm growing. Uncertainty and fear shouldn't rule our lives, but reality should. We shouldn't ignore what is real, and we shouldn't hope for better without preparing for the worst. I don't want to be one of those lost unaware ignorant people who ignored the signs and hoped against hope that nothing bad would ever happen. I am a realist. I rely on myself and my husband. I do not rely on my God to solve my problems, I believe He can guide and direct, but He shouldn't have to save us when we've been warned and we refused to listen to His counsel, and the counsel of His wise church leaders and the inspired leaders of a movement towards personal responsibility and a movement away from, if we're realistic and honest, "Socialist" re-distribution of wealth, and entitlement.