I love a good staycation. I was able to spend tons of time with my boys; I made SURE Nathan had something awesome to do with friends every day to make his summer more fun. He usually watches Cameron all day for me when I'm at work so I wanted him to have a vacation too!
He got to:
See a movie with me
Go to Raging Waters with a buddy from Trek
Spend the entire day with said buddy till 10pm - complete with pizza and snacks and sodas.
He also took the train to another buddy's house from school to sleep over , then the next day he took the train further north to Syracuse to spend the next 3 days and 2 nights with another buddy; then we picked him up and we went to our amazing friends' Matt and Teri's house for a get-together: Where I made Nathan's favorite dessert (Chocolate Chip Cookie pie) and he slept in their basement for the most part while we played.....
Here he is not at all awake at 5pm after 3 "sleep overs" you can see the problem
On the other hand Cameron had a great time and he's wide awake at 10pm
We also did some home decor projects during the week- I got like 6 of my closets re-organized and now I have a lovely Pantry, Hallway, Scrapbook, Game, Master and Laundry Closet. They are AMAZING now. It's like a huge relief to open them and see organization and fabulous synergy staring back at me. It's peaceful, it really is. If I need a little Zen, I open one of these closets, take a look and let the peace and tranquility wash over me.
Well, with home improvement projects you usually start with a HUGE mess; Which we did.....
Here are a few projects we did....
It took a while (a few months for me anyway) to get mostly black photo frames (couponer skills inserted here)I got most of these 8 1/2 X 11 photo frames for $3 and the bigger ones for 75% off or more on clearances or with coupons.
Then I organized, chose and printed my favorite photos, went through archived school pics and put them all together on my couch....
and on my ping pong table.....and on the floor.....
When they were all in frames and I was happy; it was time to organize the wall.
I got a big roll of paper, and cut to size all the photo frames. then I labeled them; and stuck the papers on the wall with painters tape so I could space them out and have them work in chronological order.
Now my friend - who shall not be named - called me a way meaner name for "Overly Organized" (Anal) when I told her what I was doing..... and the process involved; but in my defense you CANNOT start hanging pictures up randomly with NAILS! If you don't like where they are you have to move them and then you have NAIL holes in your beautiful PLUM wall!! (The HORROR) so I had to get it right the first time.....this template and hanging process took like 8 hours total AFTER all the pics were in frames. I have NO idea how long it took to get them all chosen, printed, bought and in the frames.
Here's the paper wall all organized......
And here's the picture wall ALMOST done!
Honorable mention goes to Kevin and his awesomeness; he did all the hard labor whilst I did all the directing. Oh and added bonus is that he used these handy little templates to draw leveled lines on for the pics and he measured the hanger; centering and nail holes vs the top of the frame; and he marked the nail hole spots and hammered through the paper without marking my wall up with pencil YEA!!
(I still think that I am NOT anal)
Now on to the.....
Great wall of Awesome Redness Project
This baby is in my basement; I have an Americana Theme down there and it was BORING in white, so Kevin and I chose a lovely shade of awesomeness and he painted up my wall in one evening - after 4 coats (two primer and two paint including trim) and a midnight/1am quit time this is the result!
Here it is all done with my stuff.....
Awesome, No?
Well, here is that mess I told you about.....I took this picture after I did dishes BTW.
The next project was to make our main floor bathroom look fun and not boring. It is a bathroom with 10 foot ceilings and it was a boring white and now it is a:
Lovely shade of sea blue and sea green striped
Bathroom Project
Kevin did the striping and everything - he is awesome!!
Here it is finished with some seaside pics.
Love Love Love!!
Nice bunch of things done here; then we had a party at our place for my mom; I'll tell you about that coming up soon....here's the
food link though.