Ice cream smile!
I'm about to go back to work again tomorrow. I've been off for 5 weeks due to an emergency surgery I may blog about another time...I'm not quite ready to do that yet.
But regardless I pulled my Cameron right out of daycare as soon as I was physically able to take care of him and me, and I had him stay home with me while I recovered fully. It's been an amazing time for me and for him and the rest of my family. I was able to start this blog, and another one with my recipies on it too! I also got into facebook, but more importantly I got to play and play and play with Cameron. Here are some things Cameron and I were up to:
Playing Swords, we did this for like two hours a day. Cameron has his mean face on. He gets two swords, I only get one.
Playing Marble Works and army guys, and this is some alien we found.
Boys hanging out and eating icecream